Benefits of Flu Vaccination in the Workplace

Benefits of Flu Vaccination in the Workplace

The flu vaccine is one of the most secure and safe means of ensuring that workplace influenza risk is minimised. Flu strains are always evolving and changing year to year, so it is incredibly important that your business and your staff stay protected on a routine basis. Flu vaccination is a safe and highly effective way to protect your business operations, workforce and every individual who comes into contact with your company against the impacts of disease. Vaccination helps to protect not only individuals on a case-by-case basis but also entire groups and organisations. Holding high standards of responsibility and protection is a simple yet highly beneficial measure that will improve your business operations tenfold. Keep reading to understand the importance of adding the flu vaccine into your workplace operations this year, and every year after…

Why should you introduce the flu vaccine into your workplace?

Influenza is a health risk that can result in serious illnesses that impact performance and team operations in a business environment, as well as putting families and the wider community at risk of contraction. The flu is highly contagious and infection can be present even in the absence of any visible or noticeable symptoms. This means that once a single individual is impacted, the flu can quickly spread through your workplace. This rapid form of infection poses a high level of risk for every single one of your staff and for every individual who comes into contact with your business, which can have a significant impact on your business operations on a yearly, seasonal basis. All infection takes to spread is coming into contact with an infected surface which can be anything from a button to using the same equipment, door handles, taps or keyboards. The flu vaccination is one of the simplest ways of putting a stop to this rapid transfer of illness.

What is Influenza?

Influenza is the flu, which is most commonly an infection that impacts the nose, throat and lungs – all of which make up the respiratory system. The flu is a viral disease, which is found in all parts of the world. Every year, there is a highly contagious strain that will cause widespread illness – this is also commonly known as flu season. The regular occurrence of flu season is why the influenza vaccine is heavily advised by health authorities each year, helping to minimise infection and the spread of this unpleasant illness. Influenza can impact all individuals due to the highly contagious nature of the disease, which is why universal protection is so heavily advised.

What are the common flu symptoms?

The flu can cause mild to severe illness symptoms. The most common markers of the flu include fever and chills, cough, sore throat, runny nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, fatigue, nausea and others. It is important to note that these symptoms can vary significantly from person to person and a medical diagnosis is needed to verify the presence of infection. The symptoms of the flu make it incredibly contagious, especially in highly populated environments like the workplace.

How long does it take to recover from the flu?

On a widespread basis, those who contract the flu will tend to recover within two weeks. This can be from just a few days to a full fortnight and does require adequate rest and recuperation for the individual to return to full health and working ability. While most individuals can recover from simple rest, others are at risk of further complications or may be in a higher risk category which means that their recovery requires more time and more care. For these reasons, taking the precaution and opting to get vaccinated from the flu is the safest means of protection.

What are the benefits of a corporate flu vaccination program?

Introducing a corporate flu vaccination program to your business will help to maintain a safe and secure environment for your staff. Ensuring that your workplace is a clean and healthy environment is key to maintaining appropriate health standards and general morale. Additionally, fewer sick days or extended absences will be taken, meaning that your company will operate at full capacity at all times of the year. An illness as widespread as the flu poses a high risk for many needed absences, and if this occurs all in a similar period the general operations and therefore output in your business may be significantly impacted. A safe and effective means of protection is the number one way to make sure your business stays healthy and productive both in and out of flu season.

Logic Health provides a reliable and consistent way of delivering flu vaccination services to your employees and your workplace. With options for in-house client services and access to our wide network of dedicated health clinics across the country, there’s no shortage of options for taking powerful steps towards a healthier and more productive workplace operation.